Welcome to our New Site
Home > News & Events > Welcome to our New SiteWelcome to our new home on the web. As you can see, we are still under construction and just beginning to add content! I am certain that you will see many changes in the coming days and weeks. I am also very hopeful that you will find the changes refreshing and useful!
You may be wondering what was wrong with the old site. The short answer is; nothing! Unfortunately we had to change hosting providers and the platform that the old web was created on was outdated. Our new hosting service required an update to the “brains” behind the site so we decided to take this opportunity to completely change the look and feel of www.starlightpark.com! Our goal is to make it easier to navigate while providing up to date and informative information to you… our members and visitors.
Please check back often as we will be working on the site everyday… sometimes behind the scenes and sometimes right out front on the homepage. And if you have suggestions for content that you’d really like to see included please drop us a line, send us a message, or pick up the phone 🙂 However you choose to do it we would absolutely love to hear from you!
Oh, I almost forgot! One of the best things about our new site is that you can leave a reply to my blogs! Just register and let me know what you think! If you find something that really touches you, be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook, twitter, or Digg! And invite them to visit us too!
Until next time… God bless you,
Pastor Mike